Digging History: Metal Detecting for Preservation


We are working with the Princeton WI Historical Society to bring you a great program about saving history through metal detecting.

Professional metal detector Jim Winter, better known to many as the Driftless Digger, has a passion for local history, and researches his finds extensively.

Mr. Winter will be metal detecting historic properties in the area April 25th and 26th, then presenting his finds here at the library at 11am on Saturday, April 27th. Members of the Princeton Historical Society will talk about the context in which they were found, and the history of the land.

Thank you to Naomi and Ernie Pulvermacher for helping to sponsor Mr. Winter's stay at their Air BnB, Huckleberry Hideout, where Mr. Winter will also be doing some detecting. This farm property is also the location of the former St. Marie Catholic Church and other early sites. 

If you are interested in having your property metal detected, Mr. Winter may be available to do that. There is no charge. He has a simple form for people to sign that keeps everybody free from liability. Property owners can choose whether or not to keep any items found.  Mr. Winter is already booked to detect four properties, so please contact us or Mr. Winter directly ASAP at 608-712-3406 or jimwinter34@gmail.com

Mr. Winter is based out of Platteville, WI, and has been featured on Channel 15 WMTV, in the Wisconsin State Journal, in the LaCrosse Tribune, and in many other publications (see links below).









permission form


Date and Time


Princeton Public Library
424 West Water Street
Princeton, WI 54968-9147
Phone: 920.295.6777
Fax: 920-295-3303

Directions to Library


Keep Up With Us


Monday 9:00am - 7:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 7:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 7:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 7:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday Closed